Lots to rant about today......................

After 5 weeks in lock down, the only time I am left home alone, is for one hour on a Wednesday morning when Ann goes to do Mrs R's shop. Even if Ann needs shopping for herself, she does it on the way home from my walks and I get tied up outside the shop to wait for her. I sleep in my own little bed in the kitchen at night but the rest of the time we are together 24/7. In the last 5 weeks I have developed a very annoying habit every time Ann talks to anyone on the phone.  I go into 'spoilt brat mode'. Spoilt brat mode involves me demanding Ann's attention when she's trying to talk to someone. I jump up at her and try and sit on the sofa with her. And then I try and lick her all over. And I try to get her to stroke me. And sometimes I play with my toys but I put them all under the sofa and then leap around in spoilt brat mode until Ann retrieves them for me.

Ann is getting very fed up with me acting like a spoilt brat so do you know what she did today when her very lovely friend, Heather, phoned for a chat?...................... She put me in the kitchen area and shut my gate so that I couldn't get out. For the first couple of minutes I rattled the gate and then I tried sticking my paws through the bars and looking all cute and appealing. But none of that worked so I just went into my bed for a little snooze. When Ann let me out she gave me lots of cuddles and told me I was a very good little collie pup. Yay!

The second thing that we have to rant about which is even more annoying than me being a spoilt brat is........................... This afternoon I went for my walk on the Meadows. For anyone who doesn't know Edinburgh; the Meadows is a huge grassy area in the centre of town. Recently when we've walked there it's been really busy so Ann has kept me on my lead. Today it was remarkably quiet so I was allowed off lead to do some running. There were quite a few other doggies there having a good run about but I just ignored them because I'd found a stick and was happily running around with it by myself. And then, all of a sudden this woman (who was sitting on the grass playing on her phone) started screaming at Ann that I should be on my lead. Not sure if she was screaming at everyone else who passed by, but I was at least 5m away from her. And 'mad, crazy, woman' just kept shouting, 'dogs have got the virus, keep it away, it should be on a lead'. IT? Even from more than 5m away anyone can see that I am a very gorgeous female collie pup. Ann was really tempted to yell back and say that she shouldn't be sitting down on the grass and playing on her phone. But Ann doesn't do confrontation decided to be the bigger person and just ignore her.

Anyway, stuff like that upsets Ann, so when we got home she had to have a glass of wine to cheer herself up because 4pm has become the new 6pm with regard to wine drinking. But it's a bit cold on the balcony now so she's come in to help me with my Blip and feed me. For some reason I didn't eat my breakfast this morning so I'm a bit hungry now.

See you all tomorrow. Toodles. xxxx

#staysafe #stayhappy #staystrong #wewillgetthroughthistogether #itwontbeforever #thistimenextyear

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