Come into the Garden

By aprecious


"I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know?"
Ernest Hemingway

I think something funny happened to me yesterday in all that wind. I think that it sent me a bit loopy more loopy than normal. I disappeared! I mean I was safe and everything, contained in a few fields...

Want to know where I went? Over the hills and far away! Nah I was just running in my big circles and I couldn't hear the calls. But don't tell aprecious that. Let her indulge in one of her fantasies about me being on an expedition or a secret spy mission or something. Honestly! Whatever will she think of next?

All I could hear was the wind...

...they've always called me the Scarlet Pimpernel dog for my uncanny capacity to start off in one direction and reappear in a contrary one. It's a gift. I can disappear in the smallest space. I think in a former life I was a house burglar. I am stealthy! Sleek and very, very fast. I have never known any dog keep up with me.

Am I showing off? A little bit.

But it's exhausting going full out.

I'm bushed! Right, I have to catch up on my beauty sleep. I've got to go on a secret mission, an expedition a special training exercise tomorrow. Mum's the word.

I thought Grease was the word (is the word, is the word). Sorry for yet another sleeping shot - but her little tongue is sticking out! Cute?

I didn't get up for swimming but I will tomorrow, so no fears. Today I have an important meeting and can't quite fit it in. Ciao :-)

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