
An essential trip down to Clark’s fish shop at Fisherrow. Followed by a walk up the Esk where we were astonished, amazed and astounded to come across a couple of large patches of purple toothwort, or Lathraea clandestina as most of you will know it. Indeed, a parasitic plant in full purple bloom. 
Excitement over for the day, it was back to sit out in a surprisingly hot sun and enjoy a relaxing eat. Set me up nicely for a bit of God of War when the clouds rolled in. 
How goes the war? Seems the UK has come top for being most cautious about lifting the lockdown. Only 23% of Britons think the economy should be restarted and businesses should reopen if covid-19 is not fully contained - the lowest among 14 countries according to Ipsos MORI. And 71% agreed they would be “very nervous" about leaving their home if businesses reopen and travel resumes. Crumbs. I say nothing.

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