
By Madchickenwoman


I have heard from laurie and she does have covid - however she said she felt better having had IVfluids and as beds are in demand she thinks she may be discharged saturday! So good news that her system is coping.

I was pleased to see rain today -my allotment needs a good watering and it  meant we would be unlikely to bump into people in the woods! By the time I got to Nellie of the Woods the sun had come out and my layers had come off! I had a good hour chatting to them - me outside their doorstep and them in the kitchen! I interrupted Nellie doing a Zoom Belly dancing class, but as she couldn't get her camera to work and couldn't get any sound she was not too bothered! Barry and I both said how we felt claustrophobic - not because we couldn't go outside but more because of the whole pandemic -  claustrophobia of the soul! I find it hard to muster energy to do anything other than the basics - Oscar, hens, eating and drinking! Nellie had lots of suggestions of things I could do, but Barry got the point that it wasn't a lack of things to do that was the problem - it was simply having the impetus to do them! I find I suddenly am doing something rather than planning to do something if that makes sense? So on coming home I found myself resowing seeds that have failed to take - I meant to have sat down, had a cup of tea and planned what to eat for lunch - but there you go! Just got to follow where the suddenly materialising urge takes me! 

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