Another good walk

We had a 15,000 steps, 6 mile walk down through the village to deliver a birthday present to Linda, nice and early so that it can wait in her porch till it is safe. We carried on to go past Katy and Colin’s so that I could leave the DVD ‘Our Friends in the North’ (Christopher Eccleston, Gina McKee, Daniel Craig and Mark Strong, in their younger days) and pick up Auf Wiedersehen Pet. They were both working in the garden so we enjoyed a distance chat before continuing along the road, across the fields, over the river to Thropton, and up the hill to the moor then home.

The east wind is brisk and chilly but it is warm out of it, in the sun..

Noe UK has the highest death rate in Europe and the government thinks it is doing well as the curve is flattening. They now understand the need to test, track and trace which was so successful in Germany and South Korea. Trade talks with Trump - oh joy.

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