
Today's the day …………………… for the right environment

I had to show you my Himalayan Poppy which has just opened - and is everything that I love in a flower.

Look at that combination of colours and the sheer exoticness of it, just takes your breath away!  However, I can't claim any of the credit in getting this notoriously difficult plant to flower.  It was one of the plants we got from Cally Gardens - one of their special Cally Purple  hybrids - with flower buds already showing.  All I had to do was find a place for it in the garden.

So I hope I've put it somewhere to its liking (see extra).  I've tried to find a corner that would remind it of the foothills of the Himalayas, where it grows in the wild.  I've given it plenty of organic stuff to keep the roots happy - and I hope it will get the right amount of sunshine and shade.

Let's hope it goes on to have a long and fruitful life - but, just in case it's not to be - I've recorded it here for posterity ……………………...

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