River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Sycamore Flowers

Grey start, heavy as if there’s a storm brewing, then sunshine, few drops of rain, a bit of everything but it stayed dry.
MrD went off on his motorbike to get our prescriptions and a few bits of shopping.
I potted on 2 sorts of cucumber, a single weedy looking courgette - the un-germinated seeds looked solid so popped them in the pot too, they may just grow, fingers crossed :-))
There was quite a commotion going on in the far corner of the garden, birds making a racket, no cats to be seen then everything quietened down BUT there was a heavy, sickly sweet smell surrounding me, couldn’t see anything obvious until first I heard lots of bees buzzing overhead, then I looked up and saw that the sycamore is covered in huge drooping bunches (panicles - http://www.seasonalwildflowers.com/sycamore.html ) and so many bees and flies of all descriptions. Photo heavily processed to try to show flowers and insects ...
Had a surprise FaceTime with my little granddaughter, I was doing some family history (a lady called Arabella) when a little voice was saying “where’s my games gone?” but she was happy enough to have a short chat - also chatted with her Mam, Dad & sleepy baby sister :-))) xxx
Tired this evening, started reading “Death in Shetland Waters” by Marsali Taylor, https://www.fictiondb.com/author/marsali-taylor~series~a-cass-lynch-shetland-mystery~49785.htm which I can’t put down, almost forgot to write today’s blip ...
Stay healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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