
By Houseonahill6

Angel wings

Another beautiful day which could be the last for a while so we made the most of it and spent all our time in the garden. It was hot in the sun but I was in a shady part painting the shed and the trellis.
I moved a chair so that I had a good view of the cherry tree which is the best it has ever been and hoped the long tailed tits would arrive and they did. They are so quick but I did manage to capture one in flight.I am really hoping I’ll get to see the babies :)
One of the Brownie Mums popped up with some painted stones and seed potatoes for the allotment and two very cute teapot bird feeders. I did not get to see her or the girls as I was out the back.
A peacock butterfly also made an appearance abit battered but still flying and feeding ok.
We had a fly past by a Royal airforce helicopter probably off somewhere for VE Day.

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