
By Houseonahill6

Hanging on

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I was lucky to see the woodpecker come down for his early morning breakfast. He’s looking well and has been hammering, looking for bugs in the trees making huge chunks of rotten wood drop to the floor.He flies off towards the old railway track.
Another hot and sunny day and planted some more vegetables including carrots , cauliflower and onions.I also manage to half fill one of the large containers on the top decking with old compost from the pots where the tulips and daffodils have finished flowering.Have topped it up with fresh compost and planted some more carrots and spring onions hoping the smell of the onions will keep the carrot flies away as well as it being more than 12 inches off the ground.
My friend Anne popped up with her old sewing machine as she has a new one and left it with Mike.So looking forward to having a play once the weather changes.

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