Double Shot Mummy


Oscar and Bailee play with their buddies'

I skyped my parents, (Granny and Grandad) this morning with Oscar, Bailee and Maple. The reception was uncharacteristically clear, so we were able to have a good catch up. It is lovely how the twins have more of an appreciation of who all of their grandparents are now that they have been to visit recently..... they certainly talk about them all the time!

Oscar and Bailee have a friend they regularly play with at the park downstairs called Victor. They see him at least 3 mornings a week and get very excited about it! Oscar has a very sweet side and has been doing a lot of impromptu hugs with his friends lately. He gave Victor a hug and kiss goodbye today. Victor went to give Bailee one and she ran away!

In the afternoon we went to our fellow twin friends house who we have known for the longest out of everyone in Dubai. The twins Amber and Adam were born three weeks before Oscar and Bailee (Although it was supposed to be three months!) They all love playing together, and are getting to know each other better now that we have been here six months. It was very cute as there were three boys and four girls all up. At one stage the boys were playing on one side of the room and the girls on the other! How did that happen?

They all enjoyed salmon with noodles and veg together and parted with full bellies!

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