Double Shot Mummy


Exploring Barsha Pond Park

Maple was teeny and spent her time snuggled up in the sling when we last went. This time she had an amazing time, climbing up and down gigantic slides and eating sand. I think she is taking after her big sister, with her determination and courage.

It was a twins meet which we haven't been to for so long. I am really glad we went as it was lovely to catch up with a couple of familiar faces and see how much their little critters have grown.

Bailee and Oscar loved the park (Surprise, surprise!) Oscar played with some older kids and got upset when they "raked" his leg. We went to sort it out and the older kid said that Oscar was sitting in their hole and they didn't mean to rake his leg. They then said sorry to him and asked him if he wanted to play again. So sweet.

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