The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Lockdown Day 53

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Basher had organised a Zoom bingo night. He was VERY excited about his role as bingo caller and had even acquired a bingo cage and an outfit!

It was very funny. Basher is very cheeky after a few beers and he was loving the cheesy calls - Droopy Drawers, 44 and Favourite of Mine - and the responses. I didn’t win but as the prize was a face mask (one previous owner), I was quite relieved.

Tonight is an example of how much life has already changed:

Pre-lockdown - the natural response to “Shall we have a bingo night?” would have been “No thanks, I’d rather eat my own toenails.”

Lockdown - The last 6 people on Zoom merrily singing “B-I-N-G-O” at 1 am!


PS Lovely Shuvly had a “power nap” at about midnight so I sent her a text with “WAKE UP.” I was p1ssing myself because she jumped when it came through on her watch (shortly followed by a fit of the giggles).

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