Have YOU ever seen a grumpy dolphin Missus?

We though that, both being Septuagenarians, there didn't seem to be a great deal of point in setting the alarm for 07:30 ... So we don't, except when Herself has an I.N.R. appointment to check on her rat-poison dosage, like today.
Last night we watched this on telly and were inspired to walk a wee bit more. In doing so we passed one of the miriad (Noun A countless or extremely great number) charity shops, which seem to almost outnumber small traders these days. "One of us" spotted this in the window of "Save the Children" and, never having seen a grumpy Dolphin it seemed a likely idea.
Add to that the £50,000+ lump of Whale Poo/Puke (A.K.A. Ambergris) which hit the headlines today, I thought ..."Why the hell not?"

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