
By LadyPride

"Rough going"

Was late for a walk with my husband this morning as lots of work emails came in. Have stepped up the client contact and am regretting it already. In the world of business, the fact that you have the day off with your husband and baby counts for nothing. You are expected to reply, redraft a press release, perform a jig etc. regardless!

My husband got Audrey ready in the pram and did circuits of the park by our house until I finally finished my urgent stuff and came running to find them. Was so happy but that all changed when I saw his face. He looked so upset. At first I thought he was cross with me for being so late but I could see it wasn't that. He'd had a call from his Dad to say that his Grandma (his Mum's Mum) was in a bad way and he needed to leave right away.

He's been up there this afternoon and it's not good. They think her kidneys have failed. She's barely able to speak or move. The doctors are doing their best for her but the family have been told to prepare themselves. I texted to see how he was earlier and he just replied that it was "rough going". Not sure he'll be back tonight.

It made me hold Audrey closer. I imagined how his Mum must be feeling. All we can do is wait and be there for them all.

Went out for a late walk with Audrey and took this picture through our local gallery window. It is so serene in there, such a wonderful space. I always feel calm peering in that window of an evening.

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