Who's that girl?

Picked Audrey up from nursery tonight and had the shock of my life. Who's that little girl? And where's my baby gone? Seriously. This is all going so fast. Make it slow down!

Haven't seen her much the past few days and she seems to have shot up. Her legs are longer, her hair has grown (and now fits in a ponytail - see pic). Eek!

I now know what people mean about making the most of every minute and this being precious time. I'm going to try and stop the world turning and keep her this age!

Had an emotional morning after I dropped her off at nursery. A good friend has got himself in a bit of a mess so went to visit him before he starts a month in rehab. I know it will be the best thing for him but I can't help thinking if he hadn't recognised what was happening, we might have lost him. Finger's crossed he gets the help he needs.

Then spent a frustrating hour in the Vodafone shop trying to get emails on my new Blackberry. The conclusion was that it's not possible. The shop advised me to cancel my upgrade contract. Great!

Then home to clean the house now that we don't have cleaners. Was tempted to swig from a bottle of gin while I hoovered as it obviously helps you clean better if my old cleaners were to be believed!

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