
By Madchickenwoman


I took the brioche out of the fridge in the morning to discover it had risen up the bowl and over the edges, past the foil I had formed over the top of the bowl! Monster dough! Once more it was flattened and then shaped. I decided on one loaf as balls and the other plaited! Then I left it to double inside whilst I took Oscar to The Potters to drop off their sourdough and then to the field for his playdate. On my return it had doubled in size much to my delight! It took a while to bake - lucky I had a thermometer to ensure it reached between 85-95F inside! Then it was time to try a piece with some apricot jam and an espresso! Not bad! I remember when a sixth form student in Bristol going down Park street and sitting outside a french cafe with my best friend to have a croissant and espresso - always came with apricot jam so that's what I have to have whenever I have french bread of any description! I sent a photo to The Potter as I'd told her I was making it and asked if she'd like to try it - she did so we ( Oscar and I!)dropped some round with some apricot jam! I'm such a Feeder! My staff at school always called me that as I was forever taking in food as a treat for us! 

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