Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A walk to town

A damp start, but the day just got better as it went on. JR went to collect shopping from Sainsbury’s at 10am. By mid morning it was too warm for JR to do her run, apparently, so we all set off across the Meadows. I wanted to make it to Greyfriar’s Kirk, as I didn’t reach it last time I set off. Here’s (wide angle) Archie sitting by Bobbie’s grave. A few sticks for him (Bobby) to play with in heaven.

We had a wander around and a sit down on a convenient sunny wall. A wee picnic would have been nice. We walked down to the Grassmarket - pretty sad looking - with many of the pubs boarded up for the duration of lockdown. Archie spotted some history, too. (Extra) Hopefully they will all be able to open up again, and most of them have access to outdoor areas. Saddest of all was that Mary’s Milk Bar (huge ice creams) was also closed. 

A slow climb (for me - the other two just skipped up) up the never-ending Miss Jean Brodie steps, with the reward of a castle view, then back home over the Meadows. (7,083 steps). 

Nicola Sturgeon has set out her much anticipated ‘next steps’ to get out of lockdown. Very small ones so far - much the same as England. Tennis, fishing and bowls now allowed. Garden Centres open. No schools open till August. We can meet one other person (or was it household?) outside, which we have been doing all along anyway.

Clap for NHS and Care workers again tonight.

This is not the photo I wanted to use. I just could not upload it, even after several tries. Why?

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