Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Bert? Fore?

No it's not Mary Poppins it's the weather vane on top of the clubhouse at Murrayfield Golf Club, which I have never noticed before. We thought we'd take advantage of the last few days before the golf clubs reopen to walk one of the local courses. It was a glorious sunny day and we could see for miles, the extra is a panorama view to the North and East looking right across the city to the Forth and down into East Lothian. We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place, this is around a mile and a half from the centre of Edinburgh.

This morning I spent time in the garden, having lunch out there too. Our pear tree has, as I expected taken a battering in the wind and rain. It's very old and has a lot of canker in it, so it always starts with a promise which fades away as the season continues. I noticed that my solitary strawberry plant is starting to flower, the fruits have set on the blackcurrant bushes and the raspberries are looking good too.

After a relax on my sun lounger, I had an introductory phone chat with the new CEO for the charity I'm on the board of. We managed to take somebody on in spite of the current situation and she sounds good. We've a zoom board meeting on Thursday, so she'll be in action then.

We went out for our walk of the golf course after that getting back in time for dinner. I made a pizza which we had planned to eat in the garden but I'd left it rather late to cook and it was cooling off outside so we enjoyed it indoors instead.

Keep safe everybody, we're doing well and the numbers are coming down.

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