
By Mindseye

Circle of light

Bed early as planned, slept ok, work up really early....and believe it or not, I actually got up !!

Showered, hair sorted, had breakfast....all before 9.30, then a walk to the paper shop and back for 9.50 as we were expecting a delivery between 10-6 today......hub was in charge.

I went to see my sis.......the roads were busier, but still pretty quiet compared to pre lovkdown. We went to the garden centre, as we both needed a couple of things. The queue was quite long, guess we waited in the sunshine for a good,half hour. Ive lost one of the shrubs I put in the new border last autumn, so needed to replace it with something else. Bought a lovely blue salvia, some twine, foam covered and ordinary, bug spray and ant granules....£35.95!!! Then onto Sainsburys......more queueing but only 10/15 mins.....needed quite a few things, nothing overly expensive other than a couple of bottles of Rose......£101.82!!! Its the first time Ive been to one of the mainstream supermarkets since lockdown.....boy have they hiked their prices!!!!

It was 1.30 by the time we got back to sis's...... lunch in her back garden, with Kobi for company ;-)

We just chilled, sat under the sunshade, it was really warm this afternoon, 27 degrees! So glad Id worn a loose thin dress :-)

Left for home just after 3, arrived around 4. Stopped off and grabbed a few shots for todays blip.....really like the light on this swan, simple and lovely, in my opinion. Hub was outside, grass all cut, watered, all looking very neat and tidy. I put all the shopping away,
got changed and went to sit outside. The delivery had not arrived.....last time we were towards the end of their round, same this time, it arrived at 5.45pm.

Just in time for our BBQ....... a low & lean meat box from our butchers. Most went into the freezer but the burgers and sausages went straight onto the griddle. I did a big bowl of mixed salad......hub opened a bottle of the Rose, not chilled enough, so we chucked a couple of ice cubes in, all went down a treat :-)

After dinner, we cleared up, the. did some watering, the planters and baskets are coming on,micely with this weather. We suddnely heard the clapping start at 8pm, so we ran around into the front garden to join in!! Sounds like it might be the last time.....

I spent another hour outside just pottering, weeding and watering.......the wisteria, roses, honeysuckle, nemesias all smelling wonderful in the evening air. Came in at 9pm :-)

Overall, turned out nice again, more of the same tomorrow :-)

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