Sometimes love just ain’t enough

The second wave is coming.

No one cares for rules because the law maker broke them; and if he broke them then he must think they aren’t needed.

That’s why the beaches in England were packed today. No 2 metre social distancing .

In America, cities are burning; and your ‘chief’ is stoking the fires. Threatening violence with more violence. MAGA devotees are declaring they don’t have this trouble in their states because they aren’t liberal and they have their guns (thank you 2nd Amendment) and they aren’t afraid to use them to defend them and theirs.

Do you ever think the world has just had enough and drops pandemics and idiots into the mix just to get rid of a few of us via Darwinism ?

In other news, we in our little bubble, remain socially distanced; I visited the supermarket today and I won’t be doing that again. Someone wearing a mask touched me, to Move me out the way.

I was standing at the check out!!! On a 2 metre sign.

And when I came home, I chilled with our local, lovely florist, Kirstie; and 44 other ladies and created this abomination.

Safe to say, I may be good at counting; am not a florist.

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