Who Shat That?

On waking it felt like the day would be a struggle due to excessive gin consumption, but the fear (and nausea) lifted to enjoy the weather and a chilled Sunday vibe. Around lunchtime I met up with Amy on the grass of Jesus Green with two metres and a tub of chocolate cookies placed between us. After we parted, the long grass of the neighbouring Midsummer Common looked so inviting that I nestled in it for a while.

In the evening it was my turn to be quizmaster for our regular Zoom session. The gin was still working through the system so I wasn’t really spritely enough to be putting the finishing touches to a quiz, but it mostly worked fine. ‘Who Shat That?’ was the most creative round, which I encourage others to insert into their quizzes. PowerPoint slides of faeces belonging to an animal species that participants had to guess. Blue whale faeces looks beautiful hanging in the water like huge globules of pink material, tinged because of the diet of krill. Also an artistic spectacle is the black inky splodge that polar bears leave on the snow, with their diet of oily seal blubber. Overall, and to go against the grain, I avoided any quiz questions that involved detailed knowledge of an obscure quote by a random character in an unremarkable episode of a poorly watched series. Ain’t nobody got time for dat.

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