Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A work in progress

The Qwerky Cafe continues to take shape, and I am at last able to give expression to my growing collection of colourful tat and beer bottle caps, which are spilling over onto the floor. My ambition is for it to be habitable eight months of the year, even if that means sitting under cover with an overcoat and a mug of tea on rainy days.

Today was mixed blessings as Pants Monster gave me my worst day in weeks and I was tired. I gave work my very best shot but it is all grumbles and pettifog at the moment, not massively satisfying. My colleagues seem tired  as well, although as usual they are great to be with and doing their best.

I couldn’t resist a bit of photoshopping for the extra. I hate this man. More than him I hate those who let him in to the White House and gave the keys of power; he has trashed his country. No wonder other powerful nations want him to win again, he is far more destructive than anything they have in their arsenal. 

End of rant. Sometimes progress takes a backward step; let’s hope it is only temporary...

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