Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

One of the Kids

Every March a pair of Cooper's Hawks return to their nest in a tree in our neighbors' yard.  Last year we decided not to hang any bird feeders in the backyard because they were always hunting our little birds.  Since then, they don't really hang around our yard.  Today we were happy to see this juvenile sitting on our fence and s/he even waited while I went in for the camera.  

My sister has been back from Arizona (her winter home) for three weeks and I finally went to visit her today.   We sat outside, 6 feet apart.  I wore a mask but she didn't so I was a little nervous.  We have very different beliefs about CV19 and very different political views.  I am grateful that we didn't discuss any current events!

Thanks to everyone who visited and sprinkled stars on my blips today.  I appreciate all of them! :-)

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