Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Sights from my Bike Ride

I went to the pool to exercise this morning and worked hard for an hour.  When I left the gym I saw what a beautiful day it was and started thinking about a bike ride.  I was pretty tired but PD suggested I just take a short gentle ride around town and look at people's gardens.  That sounded good so I had a quick sandwich and left for my ride at noon.  Sometimes I think my bike has a mind of her own because we headed right for the foothills.  We ended up riding 32 miles and now I'm definitely tired!  I am grateful for my wonderful E-bike that allows an overweight old woman to ride like I did 20 years ago!

Top Row:         School's out and several teens were gathered at a favorite swimming hole.  This young man climbed the rock wall (barefooted) and took a running start and jumped in.  I was impressed. :-)
                          I spotted this guy from quite a distance and thought it was an eagle but it's an osprey.
                         Snowball tree (viburnum opulus).  I've never seen one so full and perfectly shaped.  The flowers on the tree are round and about the size of a large orange.  

Middle:            I love how bike-friendly Colorado is, especially Boulder county where I live.  Some drivers don't agree but, for the most part, they're pretty good about complying.
                         We hit 2300 miles today. :-)
                         Maybe if I got a sign like this, more birds would come to my feeders. 

Bottom:           Water fountain playground.  The kids were having a ball!
                         Mama Great Blue Heron with two babies in the nest.
                         Shooting the rapids.  All the rivers and streams are full from snow melt run off from the higher mountains.  Right now, only kayakers were on this stretch that runs through a mountain park.  Later in the season when the water slows down, it will be full of people floating on tubes - I might even be one of them. :-)

It's time to make dinner now.  Then I'm pretty sure it will be an early night!

Thanks to everyone who visited my journal and for all the stars and hearts on my blips.  I really appreciate all of them! xx

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