Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Perfect Picnic

That's the name of my latest jigsaw.  This is one of the ones I found when I started sorting the downstairs room.  I can't remember having done it before.  I may have gotten it at a garage sale.  As with the others, I have enjoyed the mindless time spent listening to audiobooks while working on the puzzle.  It's a nice break from the reality of what's happening in our country, not to mention the pandemic.

I just finished making shrimp cakes from a new recipe.  They are chilling in the refrigerator for an hour now before I cook them.  I hope they're good.  They were labor intensive but I don't mind that if they're good.  My niece gave me a big bag of spinach and another of snap peas from her garden so I'll make a fresh salad to go with them.  I'm getting hungry now!

I am grateful that the weather cooled down a bit today and we were able to turn off the A/C and open the windows.  I'd much rather have fresh air! 

Thank you to everyone who visited and sprinkled stars and hearts on my blips today.  I appreciate all of them. :-))

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