
By ayearinthelife

Driving in My Car

For the first time in ten weeks I drove further than two miles today, and the destination was not a supermarket!
The info system in my car has been reminding me for the past few weeks that it is due for an MOT. Wasn’t too bothered as the Government had actually given me a six month extension, but the service indicator was also saying a brake fluid change was due. I also knew that once we were into June, the warning messages every time I started it would become more and more annoying, forcing me to do something about it!!
Thankfully, the workshops reopened ten days ago and I was able to book it in. Initially just for the brake fluid but they said they would do the MOT as well, regardless of the Government extension. So far, so normal.
But I was told that I must present myself at a certain time, there was a one way system in place and I could only hand over the key - remove key rings and all other keys please! Not only that but I had to take all personal items out of the car and it would not be possible to valet it before it was returned to me. Well, it was pretty clean anyway because I’d not gone anywhere for the last few weeks and clearing out all the storage boxes was quite beneficial as I was able to throw away some old phone cables and an out of date road atlas. God knows why I had the latter item as the car has a very good sat nav!
I was given the option of waiting while the work was done but as there were no coffees available, I got Mrs C to follow me down there and would go back for the car when it was ready.
MOT passed with flying colours, brake fluid changed and car collected two hours after dropping it off. But still a surreal experience as though the dealership looked the same from the outside and had the same familiar faces inside, the floor signage, Perspex screens and sanitising of the card machine did add a slightly uneasy air to the proceedings. Not helped by the fact that I seemed to be the only person aware of how a one way system should work!
Still, it was nice to do something “normal” that wasn’t food shopping or exercise. And the really good news is that my car needs a small part fitting under a recall scheme. Couldn’t be done in the time available today so I’ve got another outing to look forward to in a fortnight’s time!

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