Mirrors in the garden.

Bit of a tough day today. Ali booked in to referral vets on Monday. Agility back as allowed so I called in to the field to let my class know about Ali and that we won't be joining them any more, felt quite emotional and shed a tear or two. She so loved her agility, and I loved our class, we always had such a laugh, and although we all competed at a good level there never was a competative edge to the class. I daren't try Ali back at agility as she throws herself into it 100% and it will be too risky. The Vet said to just let her 'potter' at home. Ali can't do 'potter'!

Decided to keep myself busy and so painted the conservatory, not sure the colour is going to work, it's a bit too bright - back to square one me thinks as I'll have to repaint it in original colour.

Took a little mirror into the garden and took reflections of flowers. The 'exploding' tree is one I've just planted, I always think it looks like a firework when the sun catches it.

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