Birthday Girls

Birthday Girls.
Clare is a lady of a certain age, Anais is at that teenage year, not yet an adult but no longer a child.
I’d sent Anais her card and the completed ‘My Life Story’ book and trust that she will enjoy them both.
For Clare it was a cooked breakfast and then whilst she relaxed I got the back garden ready, bar sorted and table laid out.
We spent the afternoon in glorious sunshine drinking Cisk Maltese beer, (if you cannot get to Malta bring a little of Malta to you), and cocktails, Tom Collins and Pussers Painkillers, snacks and ‘smalley eats’ kept hunger at bay until cake time.
A relay of Clare’s friends called in, socially distancing of course, until the heavens opened and we retired inside for the last few drinks before collapsing into bed - shattered.

Mrs S tells me she had a great day and that’s all that really matters.

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