Laundry mountain

If there was a pie chart of my life, a sizeable slice would be taken up doing the laundry. It's like a constant losing battle. I gave up ironing almost completely some time ago: it's enough to sort, wash, find someplace to dry it (no tumble dryer - on our wish list), then sort again and put it away. Arwen, though a pretty easy going baby compared to some, does like to have someone's undivided attention and prefers being carried around, so she needs to have eye contact during laundry sorting to keep her calm and happy. Well I guess it was our choice to have three kids eh?! ;)
Thanks for the comments on yesterday's blip. I was very disappointed to go to the fridge after publishing the entry, only to find the sponge pudding had gone. Forgot I'd eaten it all the night before. Doh.
33/365 completed!

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