All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Oooh - nice bag - wonder if they do one swan sized

As you might have gathered from my previous blips, I'm rather smitten with the 2 swans who have taken up residence at the business park I work at. When I went out at lunchtime today, they were out of the water and wandering on the path and the grass, so I spent ages there with them. They're so tame and come right up to you, obviously in the hope of getting food. (They clearly hope people will ignore the "don't feed the wildlife" signs which are in the vicinity)! I got some fantastic close up pictures of them, although when one of them stretched up and was practically eyeballing me, I did wonder if I was getting a bit close for comfort!

In the main, they were ignoring all the other passersby until they spotted these two women. Not sure why they specifically caught the swans attention but it was funny to see the women jump as they realised the swans were not only intent on coming right up to them, but also followed them down the path a wee bit!

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