
Today's the day …………………… for peak perfection

Everything in the garden is looking so good just now - and there's a couple of reasons why this is particularly so this year. 

It's one of the good outcomes of the pandemic that gardens have come into their own as a place to spend time in, when everywhere else is a no-go area.  So lots of love and attention - and hard work - has been going on that would normally have had to take a back seat.

But there's another reason why plants are looking so good and it's all to do with this year's weather.  It was so wet in the early spring - days and days of rain which drove everyone mad - but did a good job of wetting the soil and raising the water table.  So when we moved on to the wonderfully dry and sunny weather in late spring, the plants could get on with growing, tapping into what had gone before.  And the result is good strong, healthy plants.

So here are some of our irises in the pond - and in extras, the magnificent candelabra-shaped whorls of orange-yellow flowers of the Primula bulleyana.  Oh -  and a Red Hot Poker  for good measure …………!

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