The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Tumbleweed Moment

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I met Smashley for a walk this morning. He was telling me that his wife, Nicely had been staying with his terminally ill aunt to help with her care. She had been irked by visits from Smashleys uncle and stepdad (Mike and Don) who had sat around expecting regular deliveries of coffee and food.

During their weekly family Zoom meeting, Nicely had several glasses of wine. And then several more. Mike left the call at about 10 pm and Nicely mentioned her irritation, “He was even worse than Don who was TOTALLY f’in useless.”

After a moment of silence, a cough in the background revealed that Don was sitting off camera in the same room as Smashley’s mum!

Nicely decided the best course of action was to get out of dodge “I think I’ve had a bit too much to drink. I’m going to go now,” she said hurriedly and left the call.

Unfortunately, she had forgotten that she was the host of the meeting so the whole thing shut down and booted everyone out!


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