Run in the sun (with caution)

I generally wake up around half-six or seven o'clock but for some reason I didn't wake up until eight, this morning, which was the time I'd intended to go out running. I decided I'd simply put my plans back by an hour and made myself a coffee and protein shake. 

Even if it's a short distance and not particularly warm, I always take my Camelbak with me when I run, so I never worry about becoming dehydrated. There was a time when I was training for the marathon that I didn't completely fill the reservoir before a long run on a hot day and that was the last time I ended up dehydrated. 

The sun was out and the sky was clear when I left the house, today, and it was already warm but not unpleasantly so. I'd decided I'd run out to Lupton, which is a route that's a little over ten miles and I regularly took on water as I ran. At no point did I feel thirsty so I felt I had everything under control despite the fact it was getting quite hot. 

I even remembered to stop and photograph this window on a barn that's slowly being converted. There's a large static caravan in the field in which the barn sits and the situation rather reminds me of the old TV Series called 'Petrocelli'. (Looking at the Wikipedia entry, I see that both Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill were guest stars. This was before 'Star Wars'.)

Anyway, it was nice run, a little slow because of the heat, but once I'd showered, I could tell I was dehydrated and so I spent a couple of hours taking on water and trying to shake it off but I don't think I felt completely right until Dan and I went for our afternoon walk. 

But I was in fine fettle by the time I joined my friends for the Good Gang weekly get together on Zoom and then I finished the evening enjoying a Chinese takeaway with Dan. All was well that ended well!

-11.0 kgs
Reading: 'Underland' by Robert Macfarlane (I really must pick this up and finish it!)

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