School's out!

Both Dan and the miniMinx had their last GCSE exams, this morning. For Dan, this marks the beginning of what I suspect will be three months of lie-ins and music practice, with the occasional stint at the music shop, before returning to school for sixth form in September.

For the miniMinx, though, it is the end of her school career; in the autumn she'll be going to college (there is a dearth of sixth forms in that part of Lancashire although I've no idea why). Much like me but, I think, for subtly different reasons, the miniMinx hates exams and much as she has enjoyed school, I don't think she has any sadness about putting academia behind her: from September it's going to be all about dancing.

Indeed, she was in the mood for celebrating, this evening, and suggested that we go to La Rocca for a meal, which we did.

-11.5 kgs
Reading: still not chosen a book (spoilt for choice by the enormo stack of unread books!)

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