My Life In Pictures..

By SheWhoGlitters

Not An Exmoor Pony?!...

I had the opportunity today to partake in a Polocrosse lesson - it's like lacrosse but on a horse.

You have this big stick with a net on it, and you have to get the ball through a set of goal posts to score, whilst catching, throwing, and picking up the ball from the ground with your big stick, controlling your horse with one hand with half a dozen horses galloping towards you. Should be easy, don't you think?!

Well just like every other sport I have ever played in my life I was suitably terrible. I could neither catch, throw or even pick up the ball. My poor horse didn't know which way I wanted him to go, bless him, so he just stood there, sort of bewildered. The only thing we were good at was standing in the oppositions way - its just a shame we were equally as good at was standing in the way of our own team members! Ah well - it was fun to try!

My blip is a shot of the suffering horse I rode today - Smurf! It certainly made a difference riding a horse, as opposed to a wee Exmoor!

The shot is pretty poor quality, I apologise. The stables weren't lit very well and Smurf wouldn't stay very still but he deserved his moment of Blip Fame for putting up with crappy old me!

Back to Uni tomorrow.. Do I have to?!

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