
It was raining. It was pouring and as you would have probably guessed, The Boss was snoring as I came upstairs this morning and gave him the "wake up" message, delivered with care on to the back of his neck. It worked.

All walking was cancelled today although we did go out in Suzz after grub for a Blip AND I recall seeing a couple of cars at the meeting place with some folk standing around. " A" team folk are a hardy lot. We however made some camera clunks and returned for hot chocolate and ginger nuts. Him not ME...OK

Big weather apologies to the visiting Blippers but hopefully they were influenced by acyclinggranny blipping the local movie theatre The " Paradiso" famous for having 2 car bodies so you can enjoy a 'drive in' experience or maybe fool about in the back seat. Only kidding...OK? One of them IS in a very dark corner. Heh heh heh.
I did get a brief and energetic walk after late grub...His AND mine where we hot footed it up to the Rippon Vineyard and met a lovely American couple who wanted to photograph ME. YES YES Further progress was hindered when The Boss looked up the lake and couldn't see it, so another hot foot back home before the next lot of rain set in.

The pic is just along the lakefront and was taken from Suzz with the window briefly wound down. I recon The Boss is a wimp but he says he was protecting the equipment. His not mine. Sigh

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