Gone by Lunchtime

There was a chill in the air as I padded up to The Boss this morning and decided that I couldn't reach his neck so I made an executive decision to "Leave it" and return back to my house. An "executive" decision is one made by a "person in control" so to bark, and there was no doubt that at that point I was in control BUT I maybe could have lost this position if I had made a lunge for The Bosses bare bits (bbb) hence the "Executive" thing. An ordinary decision would have had me jumping on the bed. That's why some dogs never attain "executive status" ... Listen up Bruce!
Executives tend to get more perks....heh heh heh

This is The Roy Range, that towers over our town. If you are really keen there is a walking track up it. If you are not so keen you can lean your tripod out the bedroom window and take pics of the dusting of snow while you are still in sleepwear.

Oh and BTW it was.....Gone by lunchtime.

L for large Eh?

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