Across to Hoy (Day 1875)

We spent the morning through in Stromness doing hoss stuff. I cleared up the field, emptied the trailer and collected water while  my beautiful wife put Jeepers through his paces in the field. He is really coming on, and it is great to watch HV enjoying him after a long and worrying rehab. Just before we left the field, HV was sorting out some stuff in the caravan and George sidled up to the door and stood as if waiting in a queue for food  (extra). He knows where the food is kept.
Home for lunch, then a wander at Lyde with the woofers. I liked the view across the bog cotton towards Hoy.
Later, as HV zoomed off to work, I collected some bits from town, then headed off to do a little job in the wilds of Rendall.

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