Nicky Nook

Dan went down to his mum's for dinner, this evening, so I took the opportunity for an early evening walk with the Minx. We met up in Scorton and snacked on a few bits and pieces in the car while we waited to see what the weather was going to do.

Well, it seemed safe enough, so we walked up Snowhill Lane and cross the bridge over the M6. From there we followed the lane and ended up with Wyresdale Lake on our right. There was a path down to a boathouse with a sign dissuading people from swimming there, which was a shame because it looked rather pleasant.

From there we carried on, taking footpaths across the fields in a loop that took us back 'round to the M6. From one elevated point, we could see Morecambe bay and, of course, Heysham Power Station. 

As with the walk around Stocks Reservoir at the weekend, I couldn't help thinking this would make a nice little run, maybe somewhere to stop off on my way to or from the Minx's house. 

-9.7 kgs
So, I finally finished 'Underland' by Robert Macfarlane. Man, it's been a trudge. It was a gift from Chris (who, admittedly, had yet to read it), was recommended by Simon, and it won a couple of prestigious books awards. 

I honestly cannot see why. For a start, it goes nowhere, which is pretty ironic for the winner of the Stanford Dolman Travel Book of the year. 

Macfarlane's writing is initially sumptuous but the pleasure rapidly wanes like an over rich dessert. It soon reached the point where opening the book was to summon the Gods of Mild Despair and Futility. 

Why can I never give up on a book?! I'd recommend that you go and read Bruce Chatwin's 'In Patagonia' instead. 

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