Stocks Reservoir (run)

So it turns out I couldn't wait any longer. I was up at six, got into my running stuff, drank a pint of Berocca, made a coffee and a protein shake for the car, and set off just before half-past. I was in the car park at Stocks Reservoir for seven o'clock. 

And, Lord, it was just as lovely a run as I'd hoped. A nice warm up on the path through the woodland, a bit of up and down and up again to get the heart going, and then an uplifting two mile stretch along the old railway track looking down over the reservoir. Beautiful. 

After that it was down to the dam, whence I took this shot, and then back for the last couple of miles to the car park. Except it was three miles in thee end because I took a wrong turn. (Dan told me later that I tried to take exactly the same wrong turn on Saturday!)

The drive back was pretty good, too: the Forest of Bowland really is quite stunning. I couldn't really savour it, though, as my unintended detour meant I was running slightly late. Still, I managed to get back, shower, make breakfast for me and Dan, and still be on my Teams meeting at half-nine!

-10.6 kgs
Reading: post-Macfarlane break 

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