Through the street (Day 1877)

The run of fine weather looked as if it was continuing, but as  my beautiful wife and I made our way through to Stromness, it got more and more misty. At the yard, we hitched up the horse box and headed along to the hoss field to collect Bessie. We were to take her to town for vaccinations. She was really easy to load into the trailer and seemed completely unphased by being in the box, even when she had to stand around waiting for the vet.
It had brightened up a little by the time we got her back through to the field.
Back home for bacon sandwiches then out with the dogs at windy Wasdale. The wind was a blessing, keeping it a little cooler than it would have been otherwise. Talisker was delighted to have the opportunity to swim in the loch.
A bit later we zoomed through to Stromness again to meet Mum and get out on the horses. A fine day for a ride through Stromness and along the shore.

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