Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Happy Archie

JR went for a run this morning. The air was still moist, which she liked, as it helped her hay fever and she didn’t have to keep stopping to blow her nose. I went on the bike - first time for quite a while.

Today was Elizabeth’s regular day - the last two days have been bonus ones. He’s been thoroughly spoiled, going long walks every day, with treats, playtime and a bath followed by a snooze at Elizabeth’s house.

We decided to go for a wee walk round to Bruntsfield (JR was not going to let me slump on the sofa...) the sunny morning had by this time begun to look ominous - as predicted. But we set off in sunshine, though JR sensibly carried an umbrella. 

A nice flat white and a seat in the bus shelter. Who should we meet but Jordan from yesterday. He was shopping, but he was quick to say it was his (shielding) neighbour’s list - big bottles of fizzy drinks, tubs of Pringles and white bread.

JR wanted to get some flowers, so walked back down the hill to M&S - she’s much faster without me, so I dandered home. And yes, I did get a bit wet.

Just about every tree on the Links had folk sheltering (from the rain, not the sun today), many of them drinking from huge plastic tubs of beer. And not for the first time I wondered where they went to the toilet. Well - I do know, and there has been quite an outcry about the anti-social behaviour and the piles of litter that relaxing of the lockdown rules, combined with sunshine has brought. So I for one, don’t mind the rain.

Here’s Archie, tired but happy. 

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