Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Archie meets Indie - at last

Rain, hail and even lightening was forecast today. But it didn’t happen. Mainly because the strong wind blew the bad weather right past us. However, it was dampish in the morning, and Becky texted to cancel her Archie walk. I then also cancelled the long awaited meeting with Annemique and her new puppy, Indie, who is an Australian Labradoodle. Though she won’t be as big as the chap in this link:

However, by midday, the rain had not happened. Annemique texted to say she was near the Links, could we come over, as it wasn’t raining. Sure!

Archie saw Annemique from afar, and went charging to her, giving her a lovely welcome. Indie was a friendly wee thing, and Archie, though he can be grumpy with over-exuberant puppies, fell in love with her. They played and frolicked for ages, though Archie did lose interest and wander off several times to see if the people sitting on the grass had any food. 

When we came back I used my new toy - a wee one-handed, battery operated hedge clipper. It did the job, though only efficient with the newest of tiny shoots. Which is fine. Our hedge will have a permanent neat haircut.

The neighbours handed in a home made lemon tart. Yum! So the diet I just started today has been postponed till tomorrow.

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