Spur of the moment

My house is built on a hill. The road runs along the front of the house and, from the back, the view is out across the Lune Valley. The garden is on a slope and, when I moved in here, there were steps down from the living room to a largish, flattened concrete area. It was bloody ugly but it was somewhere to put chairs and a barbecue. The rest of the garden wasn't much use for anything except rolling down.

After I'd been in the house for a couple of years, I had enough money to start renovating the place and that included having the garden terraced and decking put in. To be frank, I'm not sure where the terracing idea came from; I like to think it was a legacy from growing up in Hong Kong.

The decking was quite an ambitious structure that required (legally) planning permission and (morally) agreement from my neighbours. Thankfully, I am blessed with the nicest neighbours you could ask for and they appeared - and, as far as I can tell - have remained perfectly happy with the result.

Living in Cumbria, though, means the decking only really gets used a few times year, usually for barbecues, but the recent THREE MONTHS of good weather plus some lovely decorating by the Minx has meant it gets used quite a bit more often at the moment. 

This evening, just as we were all thinking about moving upstairs, we made a spur of the moment decision to go and sit out on the deck. As you can see, these two goons were still full of beans.

-10.9 kgs
Reading: Nothing! (Apart from a technical book about the Kong Modular Synthesiser.)

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