
By Mindseye

Beautiful Brown

......Mrs Blackbird in the rain this morning!
Grabbed this shot just after breakfast whilst it was just damp and drizzling.

Slept ok, woke up to rain, which has continued more or less all day......Walked into town, made it there in the dry, but the heavens opened on the way back. Got the supplies we needed then headed straight back.

Coffee in the summerhouse, listening to the radio, chatting on social media, catching up on a couple of days worth of emails.....one from our holiday friends contained some really sad news. Caught me totally unawares and I just burst into tears when I read that R has passed away suddenly last Sunday, not,Covid related. A big strong fit & healthy man, only 73 :-( Our Tenerife holidays wont be the same without him. Dear N is devasted.

The rest of today seems slightly unimportant and reminds us of the need to live your best life whilst you can. The hours have just slipped by this afternoon, not done much.

Dinner was stir fried veg in oyster sauce with wholemeal noodles and blackened salmon.

Chatted to our other friends this evening, who were close friends with R&N they are equally sad.

Be interesting to see what tomorrow brings when the bars and restsurants open up, hope things dont go t*ts up :-/

Take care everyone, stay safe

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