
By Mindseye

Night buzzer!!

Slept pretty well again, awake before the alarm.....it was pouring down, as forecast!

All went to plan, up, ready, breakfasted, charity van came at 9.45 took everything I had offered them. I now have a nice clear space in the garage! Next the young woman with twin boys came as arranged and took all the garden games etc. that I had offered free to a good home, she was very appreciative.

Next job was a drive into town for red onions & tomatoes for this afternoons cookathon! Oh and I got a dessert whilst I was at it ;-) Obviously had to pop into Costa for a quick coffee too!

Back home, gathered together all ingredients I needed for the Hungarian Pork Goulash Im making for tomorrows dinner, when youngest and his wife come. We are supposed to be going around a couple of garden centres, they need some help choosing some plants for their garden, but it depends on the weather.

Browned the pork shoulder joint, put it to one side, then threw in everything else, cooked it down, added stock, meat back in, in oven on low for 3 hours :-)

I have also deceosted the freezer in the kitchen whilst Ive been in all afternoon, it really needed it! Luckily there is plenty of space in the chest freezer in the garage, so it was easy to transfer everything to that one until it was defrosted.......all done and dusted now, can fit twice as much in there though lol!

Made a brew, spotted this furry moth on the outside of the patio doors, thankfully, as I am not good with flappy things! I used to call moths night buzzers as a child.....its stuck lol!!!

There was a knock on the front door, dried my hands, opened up and there was the man who always provided our manure for the garden, he said "is your husband there?!" ........always something to bring you right back to the reality of it all :-( I put my music on to distract me.......later when the goulash was ready, I would normally have taken a spoonful to hub saying "here, taste this, what do you think?"
First time Ive cooked something that takes a while...that caught me with my guard down too, just about managed to contain myself today!!

The rain did finally stop around 4.....so went out and swept up the rose petals, again, talked to hub whilst I was sat on the step of the patio. Then went to the front, lifted the bonnet on the car, refilled the washer fluid as it had been beeping at me!

Made myself a rump steak burger with fried onions, cheese and a side salad for my tea tonight.I am going in to our friends nextdoor shortly to watch the match with them, which will be nice.

Fingers crossed,, hope we at least a put up a decent performance!!

Enjoy your weekend folks

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