
This is one of the remaining Common gull chicks. they are getting big now and I think the majority have flown away. Unfortunately the Oystercatcher chicks next door didn't make it. The two went to one and then it was gone. The adults were around yesterday looking distressed but now they have moved on too.

A very wet and blustery day  but it was lovely working in the polytunnel. Some crops harvested, salad, beetroot,  cabbage and cauliflower  and some more seeds planted. A little day dreaming and working out costs and sizes for a bigger tunnel..still dreaming.

Sooty the hen has gone broody again, she is a pest but as I am going nowhere I may try her with some fertile eggs. I do not need more than 6 hens but the process will be interesting.

Sunday dinner and a couple of glasses of red so I may fall asleep now. 

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