The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

No Regrets

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I received “Regretsy” in the post yesterday. I was a little confused as I hadn’t ordered anything from Amazon but a little gift card inside revealed it was a present from you O’H dear.

I didn’t have time to flick through it before The Eldest Mini Princess, who declared that “it’s both the best and most awful thing I’ve ever seen.”

The author describes herself as someone who “is completely fascinated by self-expression which misses the mark on some way.”

And the stuff in this book really does. The extras are just a small taste of why. Everything in the book was genuinely advertised on Etsy. The most awful item really has to be the “Childbirth Education Doll pattern.” Someone actually came up with a crochet pattern for a doll in childbirth (which frankly looks like it just walked off the set of a Tim Burton film). The horror is completed with a detachable placenta and umbilical cord).

Such a shame the pattern is crochet. Could have been my next knitting project!


PS Thank you O’H dear. I’m assuming this is your Christmas wish list!

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