A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Mermaids tails!

How could a mum resist buying a GF Mermaid cupcake kit for a little girl who could ‘see’ the mermaid Ariel in Goit Stock waterfall? These were sent to me on What’s App and are far brighter than anything else I have seen today so I thought I would share them.

I returned to the ladies walking group this morning, 16 weeks ago exactly since I did the last one with our first attempt at social distancing before we were told to stay home. Miserable weather but nice to be with everybody again albeit at a reasonable distance. 

Chris asked me to photograph his weather station for our church ‘I Spy in July‘ challenge. We are working through the alphabet  and this represents I for instrument.
What amazes me is it registers a temperature of 21 degrees C. Certainly nothing like that here though as it is measuring the temperature in the green house and 18 degrees in the conservatory I suppose it is accurate. If anyone is experiencing 21 degrees at the minute do enjoy it.

A new experience this afternoon. A socially distanced funeral. 
A gentleman from our neighbouring church known to us for many years. Only 10 allowed in church so the rest of us joined in on zoom. At least we could sing along with the hymns, though the sound wasn’t that clear, those attending in church weren’t allowed. It was good to be able to participate but I imagine under normal times we would have been singing in the choir for him.
Things are returning to normal a bit at a time but many things remain strange.

I hope we do get 21 degrees or any sort of sun soon!

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