Random memories 1

This is a new series I've come up with. Those of you who have started following my journal recently probably won't know about this, but I used to do series of 12 consecutive blips. I haven't done it for a while for lack of inspiration... but hey, here's a new theme! I will call it random memories.

I've had this white leather cross zip jacket for just over 20 years. It was purchased by a friend of mine in London in the early nineties, it must have been 1990-1991 (around that time). These jackets were in fashion at the time and came in different colours. Funnily enough, they're back in fashion now, but I've just seen them in black. This jacket has been to a lot of nights out, parties and rock concerts. I have to say I don't wear it anymore, but I've kept it just for its sentimental value. It just reminds me of the fun times I had in the early nineties.

Work was quiet, but I was not feeling great. Not complaining because it was self inflicted and I'm the only person to blame for it. I got through the day though. Everybody loved the cake, by the way!

Tomorrow I have a very long day, starting with a 3 hour meeting at 8am, and finishing at 7.30pm. All day long! I'll try and go to bed early..

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments on my cake! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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